Friday, June 19, 2009

I Love the Smell of Decomposing Vegetables in the Morning

I drink a fair bit of fresh vegetable juice and I hate to waste the left over pulp. So what's a gal to do? Compost it of course! A large outdoor composter isn't an option for me for a variety of reasons but I am still able to produce beautiful, sweet smelling black gold with my Naturemill electric indoor compost maker.

Here's the breakdown:

The juice - it does a body good.

The pulp - can you feel the potential?

The machine - this is where the magic happens.

The end result - it does a garden good.


  1. I love this post! I may even been convinced to try a little of the veggie drink. Have you got to use stuff from your garden yet for the drink? Can we mix alcohol into it?

  2. Of course we can mix alcohol into it - spinach juice and bourbon is a classic!

    I haven't used my black gold yet, I'm saving it for my next round of planting.

  3. why am I not growing Juliet tomatoes?!

  4. So I could use a composter like that even in an apartment, ae? Cuz it just PAINS me to send veggie bits to the landfill, to be entombed for a thousand years! Then again, what would I do with the compost, with no garden to add it to? I guess I could sneak it out to deserving plans around the complex late at night...

  5. You could make compost and donate it to community gardens..... or possibly try selling it through craigslist.
